This blog has been inspired by the legendary R.A.B.M. blog , which as soon as it started few years ago became one of the most profilic places where anarchists into metal may gather in cyberspace. The collected amount of information there is huge, and that blog is surely unbeatable source about anarchist ideas in metal, but there are also things which I don't like in it's concept and made me to create this blog. The main problem I had with that blog is lack of metal in it's traditional forms and it's conceptual premium on political messages rather than the musical style. As there were way too many stuff coming from crust punk, hardcore, post-rock, experimental, industrial, hip-hop and even odd emo scenes, it somehow seem that the place is losing it's touch with metal culture and it's sensibilities sometimes. Variety is of course a good thing, but way too much of it may perhaps alienate some people from initial focus, the metal subculture.
Despite all that criticism, the idea of this blog isn't to bash down nor to compete these comrades. The idea is to be an addition to their work, to present the things from a slightly different perspective and to cover up what they are missing sometimes.
Here, social or political stance is important, but premium is on music. Music has to be good and has to be metal in it's traditional form or close to it. This is a tribute to the fact regarding the traditional metal culture - traditional metal in all it's varieties comes from a WORKING CLASS background or from a social outsiders and it represent such sensibilities very well, it's rebellious, non-authoritarian without even a need for too much politics about it. That said, there might be a lot of bands posted here whose members aren't anarchists, but their music represent such working class or social outsiders sensibility and rebellion. I do not seek for outspoken anarchist and activist bands only, although these are always welcome, of course.
This isn't about political correctness, and if you feel offended by some political thoughts or think that some music choices here might be "sketchy", just remember that this blog is from anarchist standpoint and not about pleasing the illusions of liberalism and it's "tolerance". Of course, this blog isn't about spreading any kind of reactionary propaganda, support for any type of political elitism which offends and oppress working class and spread chauvinism in any shape - namely fascism and racism as the most common types. The same goes with religious fundamentalism, antisemitism, islamophobia, homophobia and sexism - these things aren't welcome here, but neither politically correct purity about it. These are very complex social issues, and different opinions are allowed here, as long as they aren't blatantly chauvinist. So, for example, if you are about to start bitch on "fascism" about some band who criticize Islam or Judaism, or about some band whose member called someone a "fag" in some interview... just forget it. This blog isn't about some PC trivia. Common sense above any political idealism, please!
Anyway, there won't be many posts regarding the political issues as this blog is focused on music. I suggest you to check already mentioned RABM blog for that, as they sometimes give very interesting shots regarding the various political concerns.
The musical focus of this blog is traditional metal in all it's forms - from proto-metal and hard rock, NWOBHM, thrash metal, doom to extreme forms such as black and death metal. I would post many classics that hold some anarchist sentiments, but also some stuff with very little to none social commentary value but had made big musical influence within the metal underground. There will be so many stuff from the golden era of metal - 80s and early 90s - but also some newer stuff which seems to keep that tradition alive.